Free yourself from
the admin, so you can
focus on your passion
Member Management
Keeping tabs on your students is seamless & simple. Assign members to multiple classes, or attach multiple members to a single client.
Group, Teams or Classes
Whether you work in classes, groups or teams, our group management features are an easy way to keep track of your club or studio.
Accounts, Parents & Clients
Ensuring you get paid is critical. Easily see who owes you, who’s in credit & get in touch with them with the click of a button.
Fee & Payments
Charge fees to individuals, groups or the whole organization in 3 steps. Track payments & the status of each account at a glance.
Easily Charge Recurring Fees
With our class fee options feature, easily assign members to different fee options, then charge them all in 1 go. Oh so Simple.
Scheduled Transactions
Capture transactions for any time in the future, immediately, so you don’t forget. They will only show to your clients when they’re ready.
Fee Templates
Track sales of your products, packages & add-ons by using our fee templates, giving you the insights you need.
Payment Imports
Get a lot of payments? Easily reconcile them through our easy payment importer from your bank!
Custom Branding
Make it your own, make your organization look slick & on the ball.
Safe & Secure
Your data is important to, we’ve implemented leading technologies to ensure it’s safe, backed up & secure.
Never forget where you left off by keeping notes for each group, student or client on hand, at any time.
Broadcast Messaging
Send out notifications to all your students, or to a specific class.
Scheduling & Calendar
Set your dates or weeks. Share your calendars with your students & clients to ensure everyone is aligned.
Attendance Register
Ensure you keep on top of who's here & who's not, be it for insights or for billing.
Simple to Use
It's our passion! We want your experience with us to fee just like home…but with a lot better features.